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Thomas Hardy -Tess of the d’Urbervilles

Thomas Hardy was born on the 2nd of June , 1840, at Higher Bockhampton. He attended the village school at Bockhampton and then he went to school at Dorchester. This is the period when he started studying Latin, French and German. Hardy left Dorchester for London where he started working as an assistant-architect. It is the period (1862-1967) when he read Spencer, Huxley, Shelley
Text complet - 836 cuvinte


Present tense simple t7c2cv -exprima o actiune obijnuita sau repetata regular. -se fol. adv. : always, usualy, offen, seldom, never. -forma : pt.I, you, we, they-vb.forma1 he, she, it-vb.forma1+s/es Present tense continuos -exprima o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul vb. -se fol. vb. : at the moment, now, in present, all the time. -forma : to be+vb+ing Presen
Text complet - 262 cuvinte

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise was born in 1962 and he is an american motion-picture actor, who became a celebrity in the 1980s after his performance in Risky Business (1983), a satire of suburban adolescence. In the 1990s Cruise became one of the world’s most popular film stars. f9m15mv Born in Syracuse, New York, he appeared in a succession of motion pictures in the early 1980s that focus
Text complet - 444 cuvinte

Tornados, cyclones and hurricanes

Tornado (Latin tonare, "to thunder"): violent whirling wind, characteristically accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud extending down from a cumulonimbus cloud. Commonly known as a twister or cyclone, a tornado can be a few meters to about a kilometer wide where it touches the ground, with an average width of a few hundred meters. It can move over land for distances ra
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The characteristics of Transitive Verbs: John cut the bread. t6s14sn * John cut. John cut the bread, the cheese. cut < AGENT, PATIENT > surprise1 < THEME, EXPERIENCER > The news surprised Mary. Mary loves cats. John surprised Mary. surprise 2 < AGENT, EXPERIENCER > love < EXPERIENCER, PATIENT > The museum acquired a new painting. That bom
Text complet - 1990 cuvinte

United States of America

United States (Overview), United States of America, popularly referred to as the United States or as America, a federal republic on the continent of North America, consisting of 48 contiguous states and the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. The United States is discussed in seven articles: this overview, as well as separate articles on United States (Geography), United States (P
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Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf once observed, "to have so many selves." In her novels and essays, not to mention nearly 4,000 letters and a 30-volume diary, Woolf left behind her a voluminous anatomy of self, and in the years since her 1941 suicide, biographers and critics have created a succession of further portraits. c8b3bb Biographies are fictions we contrive about lives we find meaningful

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Yalta, Casablanca, Potsdam

The most important meetings of the Second World War were held between the United Kingdom, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America. The most important gatherings of the rulers of these countries were at Casablanca, in 1943, at Yalta, in 1945, and at Potsdam, in 1945. During these meetings, Winston Churchill, representing the UK, Iosif Stalin,
Text complet - 1923 cuvinte


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