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The Beauties of Romania - compunere engleza - frumusetile Romaniei
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Vizite: ? Nota: ? Ce reprezinta? Intrebari si raspunsuri
Wishing to gather in a unifary volume, more vastly structured then the two published booklets "Tales of Protected Flowers and Animals" (1994-1995), I also included "Natural Monuments" (Reservations, National Parks) from the beautiful Romanian landscapes, from the mountains to the plains and the main rivers.
To instruct and educate the children to recognize the Iove that the nature has endowed our country with, I have introduced original tales from the world of the protected flowers and animals - introducing then to the grave, ecological problem - to save these rarities from disappearance.                    sI wish them to know the mysteries of the magnificent mountains, some bearing signs of glaciers (mountain lakes, glacial hollows), some other's incomparable mountain gardens. Some of them present masterpieces of nature, being moulded by the great sculptor, the nature, during thousands of years (megalithic figures: Sphinxes, animals etc), while the volcanic mountains have left traces (depression, swamps, mofettes etc).
From the top of the mountains, the rivers cross the country, offering vegetation to the plains and the entire world (aquatic or terrestrial beings).
In a larger frame there have been described the Olt, the Mures, the Three Crises, ending with the floating silk of the Danube and the wonderful Danube Delta, which since 1990 has been proclaimed "Reservation of the Biosphere Under the Aegis of UNESCO".

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