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Ø The European Union

Hi! I am your host Mike Russo.Welcome to Quiz for the Wiz! e4x23xy
Today we have three contestants.
Nr. 1 : Mircea Strugariu
Nr. 2: Edi Marinescu
Nr. 3: Bogdan Pavel
And now our subject for today. The subject is… The European Union.
Now let me tell you the rules.After I put the question, you will have respond quiclyand get points for each correct answer. Are you ready?No matter! Let`s start
Quiz for the Wiz!
First Question:
Ø What is the European Union?
(Correct Answer: The European Union is an community of European countries that are united in economic bussines and supporting each other.)

Second Question :
Ø What is the date when the European Union was established?
(Correct Answer: The date when the U.E. was established is the 7-th of February 1992 of the Maastricht Treety signed by 13 members of the European Community.)

Third Question:
Ø How many countries are in the Europen Union?
(Correct Answer: There are 15 countries participating in the U.E)

Fourth Question:
Ø What are the names of these countries?
(Correct Answer: Ireland; United Kingdom; France; Portugal; Spain; Italy; Greece; Austria; Belgium; Luxembourg; Germany; Netherlands; Denmark; Sweden; Finland)

Fifth Question:
Ø Hwo are the two countries that joined the U.E. in 1994?
(Correct Answer: Sweden and Finland.)

Sixth Question :
Ø What is the structure or the arms of the European Union?
(Correct Answer: The arms or the structure are “The European Central Bank”, “ The European Council”, “The European Court of Justice”, “The European Commision”, “The European Parliament”, “The European Court of Auditors”, “ The Council of European Union”, “The European Economic and Social Committee”, “The European Committee of social regions”.

Seventh Question :
Ø What is the first objective of the European Union?
(Correct Answer: The first objective of the European Union is that all countries promote in an armonios and well tamed economic bussines for the European Union.)

Eighth Question:
Ø In wich year was established the Plan “Beyen”?
(Correct Answer: It was established in December 1952-February 1953)

Nineth Question:
Ø What does the Plan of Beyen represents?
(Correct Answer: The Plan of Beyen contructs the idea of an common European economic market.)

Tenth Question:
Ø When did the European Council was created?
(Correct Answer: The European Council was created in the date of 5-may-1949)

11-th Question :
Ø What were the founding countries:
(Correct Answer: The founding countries were: “ Belgia, Danmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Great Britan, Oland,. Norway, Sweden.)

12-th Question:
Ø In wich year was established the EOCO(European Organization of Economic Cooperation.)
(Correct Answer: The OECC was established in the date of 16-th of April-1948.)

13-th Question:
Ø What is the function of the OECC?
(Correct Answer: The function of OECC is to promote the European cooperation.)

14-th Question:
Ø Throw what does the plan Marshall remarks?
(Correct Answer: The plan Marshall remarks throw the plan of helping the European states that are in problems(Economic and Social) .

15-th Question :
Ø Hwo lounched the Marshall plan?
(Correct Answer: USA lounched the plan Marshall.)

16-th Question :
Ø What is the year when the European Convention of human rights was adopted?
(Correct Answer: The European Convention of human right was adopted and signed on the 4-th of November-1950 at Rome by the European Council)

17-th Question :
Ø In wich year was signed the Unic European Document?
(Correct Answer: The UED. Was signed in date of 17 and 28 of February 1986 at Luxembourg.)

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