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My sister - eseu despre unul dintre membrii familiei
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I know my sister since I was born, because she is seven years older than me. She was my babysitter in my early years. She wasn’t very responsible with my care but still I grew up trying to follow in her footsteps, because she was top of her class in high school. e6e11ee
She has a round face with green eyes and a small nose. Her natural hair color is chestnut, but she has it dyed red. She is neither slim, nor fat; I guess you could say that she’s husky. She is usually a calm person but, when something upsets her, she can become very aggressive. Raluca has a deep sensitive side which she can’t normally express, bur she tries to express it in poems.
Depending on the situation she can dress in a variety of clothes, from the sporty type, jeans, sneakers to the more elegant type. Her clothes are comfortable and are en vogue. She has a variety of outfits for different occasions, but she always likes to have something new in her wardrobe.

She doesn’t like to talk about her relationship with her boyfriend with anyone, that’s why the only person who knows details about it is my mom. They have been together for 3 years and although they have fights they make up in the end. She likes to just stay indoors and watch soap operas. I think that if she had it her way she would just watch soap operas all day.
From a professional point of view you could say that she has succeeded. She is an accountant for Terapia. She is very ambitious and that helps her a lot at her job, because she has to do a lot of work, and, I think, that it is not very easy.

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