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ART- human effort to imitate, complete or modify the work of nature. Is a skill aquired by experience , study , or observation.This is art. h2m16mk There are many art genre like : the art of music, art of painting, sculpture, buildings, and so on. I like the art of music because it is very relaxing for me . Each song has it’s theme, some are sad , some are real, some ar
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Washington, D.C.

I INTRODUCTION b4q22ql Washington, D.C., city and district, capital of the United States of America. The city of Washington has the same boundaries as the District of Columbia (D.C.), a federal territory established in 1790 as the site of the new nation’s permanent capital. Named after the first U.S. president, George Washington, the city has served since 1800 as the seat of fede
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Beowulf is the longest and the most famous anglo-saxon poem. It was composed in Sweeden and Denmark. From there the invading vikings brought it over Britain. The eipc of Beowulf was written down in old english in the 10-th century. c8u16uc The story is the following: Beowulf with some valiant Goth comes to the help of Hrotgar, king of the danes who’s place at Heorot is wa
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Business Manners

At the University of South Florida, students recently attended a business etiquette seminar and a related rehearsal dinner. Kimberly Goddard, a graduate of the Protocol School of Washington, provided a number of excellent suggestions for updating your manners for the twenty-first century and "outclassing the competition." Business communication instructors may wish to s
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A. Dupa aspect 1. Simple: but, if, and. 2. Compuse: however, unless, otherwise. 3. De legatura: as…as, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, whether…or . 4. Locutiuni: as well as, as if (de parca), as though (de parca), for instance, that’s why, so long as (atata timp cat). B. Dupa functie 1. De coordonare a) “and”
Text complet - 685 cuvinte

Control Risk and Weakness

x5c1co The need for controls is determined by asking whether the controls would reduce the organization’s exposure to net financial loss. Any situation in which the installation of controls would create potential savings is called a control risk. (Of course, accounting and processing controls cannot always create actual savings.) When the implementation of controls would,
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Curie Marie

Curie, Marie, née Maria Sklodowska (1867-1934), French physicist and twice Nobel laureate, best known for her work on radioactivity, with her husband Pierre. Maria Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, which was then part of the Russian Empire. Her father, an ardent Polish nationalist, taught mathematics and physics at a secondary school, but was denied promotion because of his p
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MINISTERUL EDUCATIEI NATIONALE CONSILIUL NATIONAL PENTRU CURRICULUM CURRICULUM SCOLAR pentru LIMBA ENGLEZA CLASELE a XI-a -; a XII-a PROIECT l2o19on COMPETENTE GENERALE Limba 1 si limba 2 1. Receptarea mesajelor transmise oral sau in scris in diferite situatii de comunicare 2. Producerea de mesaje orale sau scrise adecvate unor anumite contexte 3.
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My composition is about the strange thing at the way of beeing of the teenage daughters who joke with their parents. q6y3yk I will try to discuss this situation from different ways.If we look at this problem from the point of view of any person who is not from that family and who took part of a kind of this manifestation I think they would believe that daughters have been educ
Text complet - 352 cuvinte

Defoe, Daniel

Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731), English novelist and journalist, whose work reflects his diverse experiences in many countries and in many walks of life. Besides being a brilliant journalist, novelist, and social thinker, Defoe was a prolific author, producing more than 500 books, pamphlets, and tracts. s2s15sl Defoe was born in London about 1660, the son of a candle merchant named Foe. Danie
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