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If I had the power I’d stop racism
Colt dreapta
Vizite: ? Nota: ? Ce reprezinta? Intrebari si raspunsuri

¤ Part one

Why is racism bad?

. People suffer when they are left out because of their colour or religion.
. It’s not right that some people treat bad people of other colour or other religion, because they are humans too, and they have the same rights we do.
. It`s a sin to make differences between people, because God loves everybody, no matter the race, colour, or religion.
. Racism can damage the relations between people and can ruin the society

¤ Part two

Why do people make discriminations?

. Because some people think that those who haven`t got the same colour or aren`t of the same religion have no rights.

. Because they believe that there are inferior races of humans
. Because some people are mean, an stubborn, and they don’t want to accept that all are equal .

¤ Part three

What can I do to stop racism?

. I would change white people into black people, so they can understand what it means to be excluded.
. I would make all the people live together, so they can understand that everyone has a good hart .
. I would put all the people on a deserted island, so they can learn to help each other to survive.

Colt dreapta
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