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Bucegi Mountains are Romanian’s best kept secret. h1c15cf
Nature Reserve protects the entire 300 sq km of the Bucegi mountain range. The reserve contains a variety of forests and abundant botanic species. The Carpathian Mountains are among the least spoilt mountains in Europe, with alpine pastures . About 1350 floral species have been recorded beech trees cover the northern foothills of the Southern Carpathians and fir and common spruce trees dress the slopes above 1000m. Alpine forests rich in sycamore, maple, popular and birch can be found at altitudes between 1200m and 1500m. Juniper tree, little willow and bilberry bush are dominate in the sub alpine forests above 1700mn the Carpathians. It is also known that home to The Bucegi Mountains are best approached from the resorts of Busteni and Sinaia. The city of Brasov is the best accommodation and orientation point for travel in the Southern Carpathians the wood peck Romania's most famous ski resorts are Sinaia, Predeal and Poiana Brasov.

They are fully developed resorts, with cable cars, chairlifts and modern resort hotels. The ski season runs from December to Getting lost in the Bucegi Mountains is difficult, thanks to a network of marked trails, while most cabanas are open year around to shelter hikers and cross-country skiers. The only danger is the weather: winter is severe and summer thunderstorms are dangerous. From Busteni, one can take the cable car up to Cabana Babele (2206m). From Babele a trail leads to the giant memorial cross at 2284m (one hour, marked with red crosses). Alternatively a trail (3-4 hours, blue crosses) leads from the lower cable-car station to Cabana Caraiman (2025m). From Babele chalet one can hike south following a yellow stripe trail to Cabana Piatra Arsa (1950m), or north following a yellow-marked trail to Cabana Varful Omu (2505m). North of Babele the scenery becomes dramatic, with dizzying drops into valleys on either side. 2

The Predeal Monastery witch is an architectural monument as the 18th century. Founded in 1780 by the monk Ioanichie, who has been granded a piece of land for a hermitage construction by cupbearer

Grigore Buzoianu. The paintings belong to Nicolae

The First Predeal School Used to serve within the monastery cells. In 1873, by Pantelimon
Vidrighescu order, a new bricks and stone building was made.

The Monument of Heroes Located within the
Railway Station Square made of bronze and stone
By the sculptor C. Baraschi, as a tribute to the
Brave soldiers that lost their lives safeguarding
The Predeal Train Station in 1916.

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